Metal and plastic moulding

From the design to the mould testing

The experience and the professionalism are very important for solving the problems of molding of plastic, rubber or aluminum and for the production of small metal parts. Considering the constant evolution of materials and consumer needs, it's essential to be versatile and try all types of materials and different technologies to create new and very competitive products.

Our engineers are able to design and build both the moulds and the specific equipment for the prototypes and they do the mould's test for every thermoplastic material. They are also able to perform the aluminum moulding or any other types of metals, CNC machining and milling of small pieces of metal.

Co-injection moulding, overmoulding and die-casting process

We have made many tests of moulding with eco-friendly materials to meet the environmental requirements and we have developed innovative and effective techniques of overmolding (union between two different materials), bi-injection/co-inejtion moulding and the die-casting process to respond to the trend.

The strength of our company is being versatile and competitive in many areas: eyewear, electronics, mechanics, and more. We are at your disposal for any request or need.